Image illustrative de The Wonder Years
Image illustrative de The Wonder Years

The Wonder Years

Les Années coup de coeur

Adulte, Kevin Arnold se remémore son enfance puis son adolescence dans une banlieue américaine à la fin des années 60. Si les multiples bouleversements que traverse le pays son présents en toile de fond (la guerre du Viêtnam, le mouvement hippie, le Watergate, les Beatles...), la série est avant tout la ...

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Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie dramatique, Comedy, Drama, Family ABC (US), M6 1988

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 6.22 - Independence Day

Independence Day

After Kevin loses all his money and his car in a poker game, he decides he has to leave the resort - there's nothing to keep him there now. The next day he says goodbye to Winnie, punches Eric and storms out. Hitchhiking out of town, he runs into Winnie who has been fired from her job. They begin to argue and lose the ride they had flagged down. Later, sheltering in a barn they talk about how much has changed between them. Winnie thinks it's just inevitable - that everyone grows up. Kevin doesn't want to believe it and neither does Winnie, not really. They kiss, passionately. The next day they both return to Kevin's hometown for the last 4th of July he will ever spend there. Karen has returned home and she is pregnant...

Diffusion originale : 12 mai 1993

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Diffusion française : 12 mai 1993
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Michael Dinner
Scénariste.s : Bob Brush
Guest.s :

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